The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Immigration and the Moral Right to Save Europe and the West!

Jewish Extremism and Its Media Cover Up

Dr. David Duke: Christmas vs Hanukkah

New Duke Video — Who Taught America to Torture? — The Usual Suspects

Dr. David Duke: Wikileaks exposes Zionist Treachery and The War on Christmas


Freud, Zionism and the Sexual Revolution

New Duke Video — How Zionists Divide and Conquer! –Exposes Jewish role in mass immigration into Europe & USA

Are You Really Awake? by originalmetalchik

New Duke Video! — Rabbi in Israel Exposes Jewish Supremacism!

Dr. David Duke: Will the White Race Survive?

The Hidden Massive Racial Discrimination in America against Whites

The main argument for affirmative action is that institutions should reflect racial percentages of population, if not there must be de facto racial discrimination. Here is the breakdown of students by race at America’s premier university, Obama’s alma mater, Harvard. Even though non-Jewish White Americans are almost 70 percent of the population and on average score much higher on entrance exams, they are only about 22 percent of the Harvard student body. So what race is really the victim of racial discrimination? For those who are truly dedicated to stopping racial discrimination, what are you going to do about this massive discrimination, or does it not matter to you because White people happen to be the victims?

The hidden, massive racial discrimination that goes on in America against White people!

A U.S. Government study offers proof that European Americans face massive institutional racial discrimination that affects millions of the most talented and educated of our people

Commentary by Dr. David Duke – As most of you know, the term “white supremacist” has become literally a prefix of my name when I am in the news. It is the media’s way to condition readers not to pay attention to what I say because I am a “white supremacist.” The truth is I am not a White supremacist, and I seek no supremacy or control over any people, but I do demand that the rights of people of European descent to be respected as much as any other people’s rights.

The fact is that in the United States of America, Canada, the UK in many areas of Europe Whites face a powerful state-sanctioned, and often mandated, racial discrimination against White people who are better-qualified than their non-White counterparts. It may be surprising to some reading this, but millions of discriminated against Whites are often poorer and who face more difficult social situations than many of their non-White counterparts who are being given preference over them.

It also affects the most talented of our people.  Many Whites are under the mistaken impression that the White victims of racial discrimination are mostly from the low income and low IQ sectors of the population. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, the percentages of Whites who are victims of racial discrimination are much higher in the sectors of the White population with the highest intelligence and greatest abilities. The facts are shocking, but true.

Most people know that most universities have programs of admittance that give less-qualified minorities preference over better-qualified Whites. Almost all of the Fortune 500 largest corporations have affirmative action and diversity programs that discriminate against White people, both male and female, in hiring. They also have programs of discrimination that favor non-Whites in promotions and advancement. This is true in the academic area as well. You can look at almost any academic department of any American university and you will see in place a strong racial bias for “minorities” in preface over Whites in hiring and advancement. Whether you are talking about a university History, English or Math department in almost any university these policies are in place and powerful. These racial discriminatory policies are real, and they can be easily proven to exist. But, now we thanks to a government study, there is even a more powerful way to show their real impact on tens of millions of White Americans.

The brilliant economist and author whose pen name is Yggdrasil has compiled the data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) 1979, which was a massive study conducted for the U.S. Department of Labor contacted 155,000 families to obtain a representative sample by race, IQ, income, education and other factors to see how remedial efforts for minorities were doing. 12,686 survey participants were to be interviewed each year, of which 11,914 took the AQFT test – an IQ test with a very high “g” loading. The income, education and net worth charts deal only with the group which completed the test and then were tracked over time. The charts use the AQFT89 percentile scores, considered by experts to be the most psychometrically accurate.

It was done after the installation of so called “affirmative action” programs which gave preference to non-White groups over whites. The NLSY study is meant to follow this huge sampling for their entire lives to see how diversity is working out for America. The data is from this ongoing study is tangible proof of the horrendous level of racial discrimination going on against White people. I will link you to Yggdrasil’s fine paper in a moment, but let me first give you a couple of snippets from his work that proves the existence of massive racial discrimination going on against our people.

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The Global Anti-Semitism Report: The Organized Jewish Community Opposes Free Speech

By Kevin MacDonald

It is something of an axiom of Jewish life that “Is it good for the Jews?” remains the litmus test of Jewish communal activity — in other words, interest over principles. A good example is free speech. There can be little doubt that the organized Jewish community sees free speech as a problem because it may be used to criticize the behavior of Jewish organizations and especially Israel.  

In Canada the response of the organized Jewish community to recent demonstrations against Israel was to attempt to invoke Canada’s restrictions on free speech in order to silence their critics. The Canadian Jewish Congress complained that protests against Israel’s incursion into Gaza contained images that were “uncivil, un-Canadian, that demonize Jews and Israelis.” They are asking the police to investigate the matter, for referral to the Canadian Human Rights Commission which is in charge of enforcing laws that infringe on free speech. Although the organized Jewish community in Canada has strongly supported the thought crime legislation (see below), Bernie Farber, the head of the CJC, stated “we are firm supporters and believers in the need to be able to demonstrate passionately in free and democratic societies.”  

Because of the First Amendment, we are still a ways from situation in Canada here in the US. Nevertheless, the ADL has been in the forefront of promoting hate-crime legislation in America, and there can be little doubt that they see the First Amendment as a barrier to their interests in suppressing thoughts and speech critical of Israel and other Jewish interests.  

An example of the efforts of the organized Jewish community in the direction of thought control is the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004. This law created an office of “Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism” within the State Department, headed by Gregg J. Rickman. The act not only requires the State Department to document acts of anti-Semitism, but also to “combat acts of anti-Semitism globally.”   Continue reading

Who’s Afraid of Huckleberry Finn?

by John Liechty

The 19 January Los Angeles Times ran an article entitled ‘Teacher Wants to Expel Huck Finn,’ with the tag line: “An African-American is about to be inaugurated as president. That leaves John Foley to wonder whether students should still read books that depict black men as ignorant, inarticulate, and uneducated.” Teacher Foley is quoted as having “a lot of passion” for Huckleberry Finn. His complaint is that every year the book “seems a tougher sell to the kids.” That is likely as valid as the complaint that every year, nourishment seems a “tougher sell” to kids. Yet there remain miscreants among us who persist in believing our children’s taste for molded nuggets of salt, sugar, and fat does not eliminate a duty to induce them to eat food. Such miscreants tend as well to believe that our children should read books – real books.

Huckleberry Finn usually offends those prone to offense for either “religious” or “racial” reasons. Foley’s main gripe involves the latter. Twain’s novel hosts a character called Nigger Jim, and according to Foley, now that “Barack Obama is president-elect of the United States, novels that use the ‘N-word’ repeatedly need to go.” (Note the English teacher’s dubious placement of the adverb.) Poor Mark Twain. If he’d only had the prescience to call his character N-word Jim, the tender buds of America could carry on reading. That Twain may have named his character in accordance with a reality he was endeavoring to depict… That Twain’s character may appear “ignorant, inarticulate, and uneducated” because Twain legitimately chose to depict a man who appeared ignorant, inarticulate, and uneducated… (Incidentally, Jim is uneducated but no one who’s understood Huck Finn would dare call him ignorant or inarticulate.)… That Twain may have said: “Our Civil War was a blot on our history, but not as great a blot as the buying and selling of Negro souls…” But the obvious is not good enough for Foley, who grieves that many of his students “never get past the demeaning word Huck uses to refer to his friend.”

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Negro Aggression Against White Player News Team

As basketball becomes blacker each year, it also becomes more violent.

A lone white guy is knocked down by a black member of the opposite team. A foul is called. The offender looks straight at the white guy and steps on his face. Afterward, you see the black offender with a huge smile and his black teamates congradulating him.

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The Problem With Intellectually Insecure Whites

sad-childby Kevin MacDonald

 America will soon have a white minority. This is a much desired state of affairs for the hostile elites who hold political power and shape public opinion. But it certainly creates some management issues – at least in the long run. After all, it’s difficult to come up with an historical example of a nation with a solid ethnic majority (90% white in 1950) that has voluntarily decided to cede political and cultural power. Such transformations are typically accomplished by military invasions, great battles, and untold suffering.

And it’s not as if everyone is doing it. Only Western nations view their own demographic and cultural eclipse as a moral imperative. Indeed, as I have noted previously, it is striking that racial nationalism has triumphed in Israel at the same time that the Jewish intellectual and political movements and the organized Jewish community have been the most active and effective force for a non-white America. Indeed, a poll in 2008 found that Avigdor Lieberman was the second most popular politician in Israel. Lieberman has advocated expulsion of Arabs from Israel and has declared himself a follower of Vladimir Jabotinsky, the leading pioneer of racial Zionism. The most popular politician in the poll was Benjamin Netanyahu – another admirer of Jabotinsky. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni are also Jabotinskyists.

The racial Zionists are now carrying out yet another orgy of mass murder after a starvation-inducing blockadetriggering assault designed to provoke Palestinian retaliation – which then becomes the cover for claims that Israel is merely defending itself against terrorism. This monstrosity was approved by overwhelming majorities of both Houses of Congress. The craven Bush administration did its part by abstaining from a UN resolution designed by the US Secretary of State as a result of a personal appeal by the Israeli Prime Minister. This is yet another accomplishment of the Israel Lobby, but one they would rather not have discussed in public. People might get the impression that the Lobby really does dictate US foreign policy in the Mideast. Obviously, such thoughts are only entertained by anti-Semites. and the usual

But I digress.

In managing the eclipse of white America, one strategy of the mainstream media is to simply ignore the issue. Christopher Donovan  (”For the media, the less whites think about their coming minority status, the better) has noted that the media, and in particular, the New York Times, are quite uninterested in doing stories that discuss what white people think about this state of affairs.

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End Goverment Sponsored Anti-White Racism: End Affirmative Action Now!

not-equalSponsored by: The National Policy Institute

It’s time to end one of the last vestiges of “state sponsored racial discrimination” in the United States.

It’s unnecessary. It’s unjust. It’s un-American.

  • Racial and ethnic minorities now account for 43 percent of Americans under 20 years old. Among people of all ages, minorities make up at least 40 percent of the population in more than one in six of the nation’s 3,141 counties. (1)
  • Almost five times as many counties are losing white children as gaining them. (1)
  • Non-Hispanic Whites are only 64.86% of the U.S. Population and this number is plunging. (2)
  • Afro-American Barack Obama is the President-Elect.
  • Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, and California are minority states.
  • District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam U. S. Virgin Islands, North Mariana Islands, and American Samoa are minority jurisdictions.
  • The Urban Institute, Washington, D. C. reported in May 2006 that since 1970 the number of U. S. immigrants exceeded 35 million, and their children numbered over 15 million. The overwhelming majority of these 50 million people fall into the “protected” class of citizens who enjoy a privileged status. These people came willingly to the United States and their good fortune should not include the assumption rights not enjoyed by all citizens.

The beginning of a solution to the inequity of current laws and practices was offered to Congress in 1995 by Senator Robert Dole and Representative Charles Canady in the form of an Equal Opportunity Act. The intent and language was on point then and is even more pertinent now. Here is an abbreviated version of the Bill that conveys its scope. (Click here for the complete text of the Act.)

Sign The Petition Here at the National Policy Institute

White Guilt Is Dead

wpww-classic By Tom Adkins

Look at my fellow conservatives!  There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath.  Not me.  I’m virtually euphoric.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not thrilled with America’s flirtation with neo-socialism.  Tut there’s a massive sliver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barak Obama to the Presidency.  For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America: The Era of White Guilt is over.

This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn’t give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man.  not just any black man.  A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively worked with American-hating domestic terrorists.  Wow!  Some resume!  Yet they made Barak Obama their leader.  Therefore, as of Nov 4th, 2008, white guilt is dead.

For over a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors.  In the 60’s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black American, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution.  But if a black man can become President, exactly what significant barrier is left?  The election of Barak Obama absolutely destroys the entire validation of liberal while guilt.  The dragon is hereby slain.

So today, I’m feeling a little “uppity,” if you will.  From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is now exactly ZERO.  And it’s time to clean house.  No more Reverend Wright’s “God Damn America,” Al Sharpton’s Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson’s rainbow racism.  Cornell West? You’re a fraud.  Go home.  All those “black studies” programs that taught kids to hate Whitey?  you must now thank Whitey.  And I want that on the final.

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Inaugural Prayer Slam Prompts Obama Smile

It is completely inappropriate to have that in any prayer, much less a prayer at an inauguration that is supposed to be about how “We’re all one.”

Outrage is erupting over the inauguration benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery, an 87-year-old civil rights pioneer, for asking God to help mankind work for a day when “white would embrace what is right.”

Lowery, known for co-founding the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King Jr., opened with a quote from the “Black National Anthem.” He then asked God to encourage America to make “choices on the side of love, not hate, on the side of inclusion not exclusion, tolerance not intolerance” after President Barack Obama took the presidential oath.

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In A Darkening World, Portland Remains Overwhelmingly White

 by Betsy Hammond, The Oregonian

As the nation’s first African American president prepares to take office this week, metro Portland — with its overwhelmingly white population and leadership — is demographically out of step with 2009 America.

Among the nation’s 40 largest metro areas, only four — none of them in the West — are whiter than Portland, new census figures show.

Longtime residents of metro Portland, particularly in Washington County and Gresham, talk a lot about how much racial change has come to their communities. And it has.

But since 2000, growth rates among Portland’s small minority populations have slowed from the 1990s. In the same period, more than 100,000 additional non-Hispanic whites have flocked to the Portland area. The whitest suburb — Clark County outside Vancouver — alone added 53,000 white residents.

The upshot is that the Portland metro area is startlingly white viewed against the national landscape — even whiter than Salt Lake City, according to the latest Census Bureau estimates. Metro Portland includes Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Clark counties.

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Inauguration Day, 2009: A Day of Mourning

by Justin Raimondo

When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated, he sought to dismantle the evolving Federalist tradition of pomp and circumstance. In a ceremonial sense, royalism seemed to have been restored, or so it appeared to him. As this blogger put it, “Dressed in simple attire, Jefferson walked over to the Capitol with a phalanx of riflemen, friends, and fellow citizens from his home state of Virginia.”

In these last days of the American Empire, such austere republicanism would be considered impossibly quaint. Having long ago morphed into Jefferson’s worst nightmare, the closer we get to the end, the more glamorous our inaugurals become. The poorer we are, the more millions we’ll throw at a ceremony that is really the crowning of a monarch – and not just any old king, but an emperor bestriding the globe.

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Iron Age Gold Coins Found In UK

One of the UK’s largest hauls of Iron Age gold coins has been found in Suffolk.

The 824 so-called staters were found, using a metal detector, in a broken pottery jar buried in a field near Wickham Market.

Jude Plouviez, of the Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, said the coins dated from 40BC to AD15.

They are thought to have been minted by predecessors of the Iceni Queen Boudicca.

Ms Plouviez said their value when in circulation had been estimated at a modern equivalent of between £500,000 and £1m, but they were likely to be worth less than that now.

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The Negro Messiah Assumes The Throne

By Judi McLeod  

 Somewhere out there in the fruited plains of America are 59,934,786 million souls, many of whom must be down on this day of all days: Inauguration Day for a president who will try to turn a proud 232-year-old Democracy into a Socialist State.

How is it even possible that people the world over are looking to a crass Chicago politician to put meaning into their empty lives? A fawning mainstream media, Hollywood, advertising, hype and cash to pay for it all from American taxpayers.

In the cult called Barack Obama, The Messiah has arrived.

Even if you turn off the television and the radio, you can’t help but run into the Big O out on the street where even lost pet signs nailed to village, town and city lampposts employ the logo of his rising sun.

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The Unknown Martin Luther King

mlk1 By Benjamin J. Ryan, American Renaissance, January 2008

 Forty years after his death, the popularity of Martin Luther King remains extraordinary. He is perhaps the single most praised person in American history, and millions adore him as a hero and almost a saint. The federal government has made space available on the Mall in Washington for a national monument for King, not far from Lincoln’s. Only four men in American history have national monuments: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt; and now King will make five.

King is the only American who enjoys the nation’s highest honor of having a national holiday on his birthday. There are other days of remembrance such as Presidents’ Day, but no one else but Jesus Christ is recognized with a similar holiday. Does King deserve such honors? Much that has been known to scholars for years—but largely unknown to most Americans—suggests otherwise. Continue reading

Anti-White Discrimination: Employees Sacked Over BNP Membership

 By Robert Verkaik of the Independent

An official investigation has been launched after two immigration service staff working with asylum-seekers were found to have links to the British National Party, The Independent has learnt.

One guard employed to look after asylum-seekers at a detention centre has been forced to resign after his name was found on a membership list of the BNP. Another man has been suspended while his employer investigates alleged links to the same far-right organisation.

Both cases raise serious concerns about racism within the immigration system, where membership of extreme political groups has long been suspected. Over the past two years The Independent has helped reveal nearly 300 allegations of brutality, including 38 claims of racism, made by asylum-seekers about private security and immigration staff. Some of the allegations included abusive and racist language, in which refugees fleeing persecution were referred to as “monkeys” or told to “go back to their own countries”.

The only two services where membership of the BNP can be grounds for dismissal are the police force and the Prison Service.

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